Lee (1) Priyankar
Chakraborty (4) Beta Mahatvaraj
(1) Abkisek Mishra (1) Sadit
Khan/Humaun Kabir Rahat (1)
The new species differs from congeners in having the
following unique combination of characters: interorbital
distance 30–37% HL; body depth at anus 6–9%
SL; length of adipose-fin base 99–16% SL; adipose
fin separate from upper principal caudal-fin rays;
post-adipose distance 15–18% SL; 17–22
anal-fin rays; caudal peduncle length 14–19%
SL; and caudal peduncle depth 6–8% SL. (Ng &
Ferraris 2016). In a few publications the genus Olyra
has been placed in its own family Olyridae: sub family
Olyrinae. The family was erected by Hora in 1936.
Mo (1991) revised the Bagridae family and proposed
a new classification for Olyra. He classed
on a cladistic pattern focusing on osteological characters.
On the basis of his cladogram of the Bagridae family
it was found the Olyra is deeply nested within
other bagrid genera and as such cannot be retained
as a separate family. Habitat: From
the Brahmaputra River drainage in Bangladesh and northeastern
India. Aquarium Care: Will fit into
a community tank alongside other Asian fish such as
the larger species of Danios and Barbs. It is extremely
territorial with its own kind so would need to be
given plenty of hiding places to curb this aggression.
Provide them with a hillstream habitat with a medium
flow and a substrate with pebbles and rocks. They
prefer to hide under rocks and crevices so provide
them enough hiding spaces. Diet:
Most aquarium based foods such as frozen (bloodworms)
live and tablet foods. Etymology:
The genus name Olyra: etymology not explained,
perhaps from Olyra, Greek for a kind of grain (perhaps
rye), or Olyra linneaus 1759, a genus of
neotropical grasses, perhaps referring to similarity
of some Olyra leaves (pointed at one end) to pointed
tail of O. longicaudata. The specific name
praestigiosa: latin for “full of deceitful
tricks,” referring to confusion surrounding
its identity (previously identified under three different
Chel River Fighting Catfish
India, West Bengal, Darjeeling District, Kalimpong
Subdivision, Chel River.
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