Aspidoras kiriri
is distinguished from congeners, with exception of
A. carvalhoi, A. fuscoguttatus,
A. lakoi, A. maculosus, A. marianae,
A. menezesi, A. poecilus, A.
raimundi, A. rochai and A. spilotus,
by having the infraorbital 1 with well-developed ventral
laminar expansion (vs. poorly to moderately developed
in remaining species, see Britto, 1998). The new species
is distinguished from A. carvalhoi, A.
fuscoguttatus, A. lakoi, A. maculosus
and A. rochai by having the nuchal plate
nearly reaching or sometimes contacting the posterior
process of parieto-supraoccipital, with the anterior
tip of nuchal plate just posterior to the dorsal margin
of first dorsolateral body plate (vs. nuchal plate
relatively distant from posterior process of parieto-supraoccipital,
with anterior tip of nuchal plate just posterior to
second dorsolateral body plate); from A. menezesi,
A. poecilus, A. raimundi, and A.
spilotus by having blotches on the dorsal half
of dorsolateral body plates and/or ventral half of
ventrolateral body plates fused with midlateral series
of blotches, forming three or four enlarged and oblique
black blotches (vs. blotches on dorsal half of dorsolateral
body plates and/or ventral half of ventrolateral body
plates not fused with midlateral blotches; blotches
not oblique), (Oliveira et al. 2017). Habitat:
Found in streams crossing the Atlantic Forest, at
244-303 meters above sea level, on rocky beds with
sand and organic debris, from small and large pools
below the rapids. Lineage: All Aspidoras
belong to Lineage 2 and when there is a revision they
will stay as Aspidoras von Ihering, 1907
with the type species of A. rochai Ihering,
1907. As
of the latest update (Dias
et al 2024), Aspidoras
kiriri has been placed in Lineage
2 and has retained the genus name of Aspidoras.
Aquarium Care:Inoffensive catfish which will suffer at
the hands of aggressive tank mates. Will do well in
a species tank or a community tank with smaller inmates
such as tetras and rasboras. Best to keep in a shoal
of at least four. Diet:Prefer
live foods such as newly hatched brine shrimp but
will also take frozen food and a good quality flake,
plus tablet food. Etymology: The
specific name kiriri: Named after the Kiriri
Indians who originally inhabited a broad area in eastern
Brazil. Nowadays, they are restricted mainly to the
municipality of Banzaê, in northern Bahia. The
name of the indigenous people can be written as Cariri
or Kariri and has its origin in the Tupi language,
meaning silent, taciturn. A noun in apposition.
South America:
Rio da Dona basin, Bahia State (Brazil).
Male: 3.5cm. (1¼) Female:
4.0cm (1½ins)
21-24°C (69-75°F)
Alexandrou, Markos
& Taylor, Martin. (2011). Evolution,
ecology and taxonomy of the Corydoradinae revisited. Angelica C Dias, Luiz F C Tencatt, Fabio F
Roxo, Gabriel de Souza da Costa Silva, Sérgio
A Santos, Marcelo R Britto, Martin I Taylor, Claudio
Oliveira, Phylogenomic analyses in the complex
Neotropical subfamily Corydoradinae (Siluriformes:
Callichthyidae) with a new classification based on
morphological and molecular data, Zoological Journal
of the Linnean Society, 2024;, zlae053. Ian A. M. Fuller &
Hans-Georg Evers (2024). Identifying Corydoradinae
Catfish Second Edition. Ian Fuller Enterprises. Oliveira, L.M.A., A.M. Zanata, L.F.C. Tencatt
and M.R. Britto, 2017. A new species of Aspidoras
(Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) from a small coastal
drainage in northeastern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology
Holotype, Brazil, Bahia, Serra da Jibóia, Varzedo, rio
da Dona basin, riacho Cai-Camarão
Dorsal view- holotype, Brazil, Bahia, Serra da Jibóia,
Varzedo, rio da Dona basin, riacho Cai-Camarão
Ventral view-holotype, Brazil, Bahia, Serra da Jibóia,
Varzedo, rio da Dona basin, riacho Cai-Camarão
Bahia State, Brazil
Bahia State, Brazil
Bahia State, Brazil
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