This is one of two similar
species collected by Joachim Knaack from the same
location. CW035 has a long snout and CW034is
shorter. There has been a third undescribed Brochis
species discovered in the Rio Madre de Dios in Peru
in 2015 which has the code number of CW136.Lineage:
Brochis is included in Lineage 8 (sub-clade
1) with the "intermediate long-snouts" with
deeper bodies. As
of the latest update (Dias
et al 2024) Corydoras sp. (CW202)
has now been placed in Lineage 8 sub clade 1 and has
the new genus name of Brochis.
Aquarium Care: Keeping in the aquarium
does not present too much of a problem as long as
you provide good water conditions and a few good hiding
places to make them feel more secure in their surroundings.
You are also better keeping at least 6 of this species
as they are never very happy kept as individuals.
A planted tank can also enhance their well being.
Diet: The usual fare for adult Corydoras/Brochis,
a good quality flake food, tablet food, frozen bloodworm,
grindal worm and whiteworm used sparingly. Remarks:
Brochis sp. (CW035) has been mentioned (Ian
A. M. Fuller & Hans-Georg Evers 2024) as being
Brochis taiosh Castelnau, 1855 and is believed
to be valid by the authors.
South America:
Bolivia, Rio Blanco, Rio Negro drainage.
8.5cm (3¼ins)
Markos & Taylor, Martin. (2011). Evolution,
ecology and taxonomy of the Corydoradinae revisited. Angelica
C Dias, Luiz F C Tencatt, Fabio F Roxo, Gabriel de Souza
da Costa Silva, Sérgio A Santos, Marcelo R Britto,
Martin I Taylor, Claudio Oliveira,
Phylogenomic analyses in the complex Neotropical subfamily
Corydoradinae (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) with a
new classification based on morphological and molecular
data, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2024;,
zlae053. Ian A. M. Fuller & Hans-Georg Evers
(2011). Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish Supplement
1. Ian Fuller Enterprises. Ian A. M. Fuller & Hans-Georg Evers
(2024). Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish Second Edition.
Ian Fuller Enterprises.
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