Dorsal spines (total): 2; Dorsal soft rays (total):
6 - 6; Anal spines: 4 - 5; Anal soft rays: 8 - 11;
Vertebrae: 41 - 43. Six species of Diplomystidae are
currently recognized (Arratia, 1987; Azpelicueta,
1994a-b). Berra (2001) depicts the family distribution.
Half of the species occur west of the Andes in south
central Chile. The trans-Andean species are D.
chilensis from rivers near Valparaíso
and Santiago,D.
nahuelbutaensis from the Bío
Bío basin, and D. camposensis from
the Valdivia region (Arratia, 1987). Three other species
occur east of the Andes in southern Argentina. Arratia
(1987) erected the genus Olivaichthys for
the Argentinian specimens and Lundberg, et al (2004)
follow Azpelicueta (1994a-b) and most subsequent authors
who treat Olivaichthys as a synonym of Diplomystes.
Habitat: The cis-Andean
species are O. viedmensis from the Río
Negro system, O. cuyanus from the Río
Colorado and the Desaguadero-Salado basin, and
O. mesembrinus known only from relatively few
specimens from Chubut and Senguerr rivers (Azpelicueta,
1994a-b). Olivaichthys viedmensis
has been taken from rivers near sea level to about
1,900 m (Azpelicueta, 1994a). Diet:
Diplomystids are generalised carnivores that consume
annelids, mollusks, and arthropods (Arratia, 1987;
Azpelicueta & Gosztonyi, 1998).
Diplomystes viedmensis
America: Negro River and tributaries in Argentina.
Type locality: Río Negro,
Argentina, frente a Viedma.
32.5cm. (13ins)
20-24°C (67-75°f.)
Ferraris, C.J. Jr.,
2007. Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes:
Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary
types. Zootaxa 1418:1-628. Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors.
2009. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., version (09/2010). Lundberg, J.G., T.M.
Berra and J.P. Friel 2004
First description of small juveniles of the primitive
catfish Diplomystes (Siluriformes: Diplomystidae).
Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwat. 15(1): 71-82.
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