his Cory used to be the "Holy Grail" for
Corydoras enthusiasts around the world but
in recent years the price has plummeted for this very
nice and colourful species due to the continuing spawning's
and distributing of the youngsters.
A little history
on this species makes interesting reading.
The first specimens were collected
in 1949 by C. Kalinowski and it wasn't until 1971
that it was finely described by Nijssen and named
after Dr. Stanley Weitzman, Curator at
the Smithsonian Institution
for Natural History. The precise location at the time
was never given for this species as it was being kept
secret for future collections.
The original description cited that this species lives
high up in the mountains above 11,000ft so would need
lower temperatures in the aquarium, and so the myth
was born for this "Holy Grail" Corydoras.
In the fourthcoming
years collectors, including Dr. David Sands who had
one of the first comprehensive catfish books published
in the early eighties, the much heralded 5 volume
set "Catfishes of The World" sought this
species in Cusco but of course in higher locations
in this area. It was not until 2004 that it was rediscovered
by Lance Peck near the town of Quince mil in Peru
in the Rio Araza drainage, Cusco State.
The first spawning's
of this species was credited to Ian Fuller of CorydorasWorld
in 2004 and at the time fetched very high prices but
in the intervening years the price has dropped with
the the continuing breeding of this species for the
aquarium hobby.
Remarks:C. weitzmani
is placed in Lineage 9, the "short-snouted"
species with the designated type species: C. punctatus.
A revision in the future would constitute the resurrection
of the genus name Hoplisoma (Agassiz, 1846).
saddle corydoras
South America:
Peru, Est. Cuzco, at Cuzco. Type locality:
Rio Araza drainage, Cusco State.
Male 5.0cm (2ins) Female 5.5cm
22-26°C (71-79°F)
Head short and compact.
Ground colour of head and body,
tan. Black pigment across head and over eye forming
a mask. Remainder of head pale. Two prominent brown
to black blotches on sides of body, larger blotch
below dorsal fin and smaller below adipose fin. Scattered
pigmentation covers upper part of body. Belly region
tan. Dorsal fin with scattered pigmentation most dense
on spine, first and second soft rays and membrane
between these rays. Base of adipose fin and membrane
black. Pectoral, ventral and anal fin with scattered
Care & Compatibility
This is akin to most of this
genus, very peaceful, and would be best housed with
small to medium sized tankmates such as Tetras, Rasboras
and Danios or in a species tank for breeding purposes.
Best to purchase 6 individuals or more as they will
be happier in a group. As with most Corydoras
they are peaceful.
There are documented
records of Corydoras weitzmani having been
spawned in aquaria and we have numerous articles on
the breeding of this genera here.
As with most other
species of catfish the males tend to be more slender
than the females. The females are described as being
larger and plumper especially when ready to spawn.
The males are described as being more strikingly coloured
than the females.
As with all the other catfish
that I have had the pleasure to keep over the years,
Corydoras weitzmani readily accepts a mixed
and varied diet which includes tablet and granular
foods, frozen bloodworm and good quality flake.
of Terms
Adipose fin:
Fleshy finlike projection without rays, behind the
rayed dorsal fin. Anal fin: The median, unpaired, ventrally
located fin that lies behind the anus, usually on
the posterior half of the fish. Caudal fin: The tail.
Dorsal fin:The primary
rayed fin(s) on top of the body. Pectoral fin:
The paired fins just behind the head. Ventral fin: The paired fins, between
the pectorals and the anal fins.
skin,(helmeted Doras) cuirass. weitzmani: In honour of
Dr. Stanley H. Weitzman, the American ichthyologist.
Markos & Taylor, Martin. (2011). Evolution,
ecology and taxonomy of the Corydoradinae revisited.
CAGB magazine no. 5 January 1975. Ian A. M. Fuller & Hans-Georg Evers
(2011). Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish Supplement
1. Ian Fuller Enterprises.
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