This species is only known from Baria River, Negro
River drainage, in Amazonas state.It
inhabits rapids with swift currents and rocky substrates
(Armbruster and Taphorn 2013).The
genus ranges across the Western Guiana Shield in small
streams; however, a giant gap in the range occurs
from Pico Neblina to the upper Caroni. This gap is
at least partially bridged by specimens collected
in the middle Río Paragua, a tributary of the
R ío Caroni in eastern Venezuela. Sexual
Dimorphism. Species of Neblinichthys
are known for their extremely large odontodes on the
snouts of nuptial males (nuptial males of N. yaravi
and fully developed males of N. brevibracchium
Taphorn, Armbruster, López-Fernández
& Bernard, are not known), which are directed
anterodorsally in N. pilosus Ferraris, Isbrücker
& Nijssen and N. roraima Provenzano,
Lasso & Ponte and largely anteriorly in N.
echinasus Taphorn, Armbruster, López-Fernández
& Bernard. Etymology: The genus
name Neblinichthys: brevis (L.), short; bracchium
(L.), forearm, referring to relatively short pectoral
spines present in the genus. The specific Name pilosus:
Latin for hairy, referring to the “hair-styled”
(quotes in original) bristles of mature males. Remarks:
This species has a relatively restricted distribution
but there are no known threats to it at present. Therefore,
it is assessed as Least Concern. Threats including
pollution and habitat loss might arise in the future
if illegal gold mines continue to spread in the area
(IUCN 2019).
Punk Pleco
South America:
Upper Negro, Casiquiare and Baria River basins, Venezuela.
Type locality: Venezuela, Territorio
Federal Amazonas; Dept. Rio Negro, Rio Baria basin.
Rio Mawarinuma tributary at Neblina base camp, on
right bank in riffle, 0º55'N, 66º10'W, elevation
120 m.
pilosus Paratype-lateral view-Venezuela, Departamento Rio
Negro; Rio Mawarinuma 1 km upstream of Neblina base camp in
pilosus Paratype-dorsal view-Venezuela, Departamento Rio Negro;
Rio Mawarinuma 1 km upstream of Neblina base camp in rif
pilosus Paratype-ventral view-Venezuela, Departamento Rio Negro;
Rio Mawarinuma 1 km upstream of Neblina base camp in rif
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