The genus Parotocinclus can readily be distinguished
from Otocinclus by the presence of an adipose
fin whereas Otocinclus do not posses one.
Dorsal soft rays (total): 8; Anal soft rays: 6. Odontodes
at tip of snout almost as long as wide, spatulate
and with tip round or heart-shaped; first unbranched
ray of pectoral fin with long and soft portion equivalent
to one fourth to more than half length of hard part;
arrector fossae aperture on each side of scapular
bridge very wide, equivalent to about one fourth of
body width; large naked area around anus; anterior
dorsal profile strongly elevated from snout tip to
median interorbital region, almost straight to dorsal-fin
insertion, and almost parallel to longitudinal body
axis; interorbital distance narrow, eye diameter 0.9-1.4
times in interorbital distance. Habitat:
Inhabits flat areas of shallow clear waters with low
current and sandy and rocky bottom. Aquarium
Care: Not a well knowm species but good aquarium
husbandry with regular water changes and good oxygen
content should suffice. Diet: Readily
accepts a mixed and varied diet which includes lettuce,
cucumber, courgette (zucchini), tablet foods, flake
foods, granular foods, frozen bloodworm, to name but
a few. Try also to provide rocks covered with algae
or other methods like this for this species as they
will feed on this, and also the very small microscopic
animals that are found amongst the algae.
LDA25, Pitbull Pleco
South America:
Paraiba do Norte and Piranhas rivers in Paraiba State,
Canhotinho River in Pernambuco State, a tributary
of the Mundau River, flowing near the city of Maceio
in Alagoas State, and Salgado River in Ceara State.
6.0cm. (2¼ins)
21-26°c (69-79°f)
Froese, R. and D. Pauly.
Editors. 2008. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic, version (02/2009).
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