The Rhinelepis group is unique among Loricariids
for possessing a round (normal) iris versus a bilobed
iris (although it is often hard to see the flap in
bilobed, preserved fishes). The species has also thick
plates and lacks an adipose fin. Habitat:
Among the Loricariidae of the São Francisco
river basin, R. aspera is the one that reaches
the largest size, and can exceed 4 kg of body weight.
R. aspera can be found throughout the basin of
the São Francisco and Paraná rivers,
with its typical location in the São Francisco
river (Fowler, 1954). The black armored catfish Rhinelepsis
aspera Agassiz, 1829 (‘cascudo-preto’)
is an important and currently rare commercial fish
of the São Francisco River, although still
found in large numbers in its main tributary, the
Paracatu River. Its flesh is firm, tasty and practically
devoid of bones and fat. It is caught with gill nets.
Reproduction: May not be possible
as this genera migrate to spawn, and scatter their
eggs with no parental protection. Aquarium
Care: Grows rather large and would need a
large tank to accommodate it. Diet:
Omnivore: Feed veg, frozen foods and also tablet and
pellet food.
Black armored catfish
São Francisco and upper Paraná River
basins. Type locality: in flumine
S. Francisci, Brazil.
30.0cm. (12ins)
23-27°c (73-81°f)
Armbruster, J.W.,
1998. Phylogenetic relationships of the suckermouth
armored catfishes of the Rhinelepis group (Loricariidae:
Hypostominae). Copeia 1998(3):620-636.
Yoshimi Sato, Nelsy Fenerich-Verani, José Roberto
Verani, Hugo Pereira Godinho, Edson Vieira Sampaio;
Induced Reproduction and Reproductive Characteristics
of Rhinelepis aspera Agassiz, 1829 (Osteichthyes:
Siluriformes, Loricariidae). Institute of Biological
Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais.
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