Synodontis congicus
is similar to another species from the same area,
notatus. Description:
To start of with, the number of spots on the two species
of S. congicus and S. notatus does
not warrant any attention as they do vary with S.
congicus showing 4 spots and 3 spots.The
main criteria for the 2 species is the length of their
maxillary barbels (pertaining to the upper jaw).S. congicus has shortmaxillary
barbels reaching back to just after the insertion
of the pectoral fin whereas S. notatus
has them longer, reaching to nearly the end of
the pectoral fins. S. congicus has also a
shorter snout. Aquarium Care: Best
suited to the larger aquarium. A quite well behaved
Synodontis if given the room to grow and
will not molest tankmates if they are not too small.
Diet: Will eat a variety of foods
and as in most members of this genus they are not
a problem to feed. Tablet and pellet foods with a
good quality flake and frozen bloodworms.
Congo Synodontis
Synodontis congica
Democratic Rep. of the Congo, Congo basin (except
Lower Congo, central basin, Luapula-Moero and High
Katanga). Type locality: Gangala
na Bodio, riv. Dungu.
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