It can be distinguished from congeners by the unique
combination of the following characters: supralabial
fold extending posteriorly beyond vertical through
posterior orbital margin; nearly circular eye; head
length 17.6-19.6% SL; head depth 10.6-11.9% SL; dorsal-fin
height 2.6-4.7% SL; 2 dorsal-fin rays; pectoral-fin
length 11.8-14.0% SL; body depth at anus 14.4-16.7%
SL; caudal peduncle depth 6.8-8.5% SL; 66-75 anal-fin
rays; confluent anal and caudal fins separated by
deep notch; 17 principal caudal-fin rays; and 57 vertebrae.
The generic status of Pterocryptis taytayensis
is discussed, with this species being reassigned to
Ompok, (Ng HH, et al 2018). Habitat:
Found in rock crevices and small caves of streams.
Aquarium Care: In home aquaria, the
colour changes from bright yellow to a more earthy,
catfish-like colour. They must be housed with medium
sized fish with lots of hiding places, (Sadit
Khan/Humaun Kabir Rahat 2025). Sexual
Differences: Unusually large genital papilla;
males with a long conical papilla, while females with
a flat, leaf-shaped papilla with a small projection
at the tip. Colouration: In 70 %
ethanol: Dorsal surface and sides of head uniformly
brown flanks and thickened integument over anal fin
pale brown, with faint mottled pattern. Ventral surfaces
of head, breast and belly yellow with scattered melanophores;
melanophores less dense ventral to level of eye. Maxillary
and mandibular barbels brown, fading to yellow distally.
Anal fin with hyaline ventral margin. Caudal, pectoral
and pelvic fins with dusky fin rays and hyaline fin
membrane. Colour in life similar, with a more yellowish
tinge overall. Diet:They
are predatory fish that feast on any living being
that fits in their mouth. In terms of feeding, they
will accept processed food, (Sadit
Khan/Humaun Kabir Rahat 2025). Etymology:
The specific name subrisa: Perfect passive
participle of subrideo (L.), to smile, referring to
its long supralabial fold, which vaguely resembles
a smiling countenance. Remarks:
This species was first recorded in Bangladesh by Tanvir
Jubair the previous year, (Sadit
Khan/Humaun Kabir Rahat 2025).
South Asia:Kaladan River drainage, Mizoram, India. Type
Locality: Maisa River in the vicinity of
Maisa, Saiha District, Mizoram, India.
subrisa Head view-Chittagong
region, Bangladesh
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