Dorsal spines (total): 1; Dorsal soft rays (total):
7; Anal spines: 4; Anal soft rays: 9 - 10. This species
is distinguished from its congeners in having the
following characters: slender body (BDD 16.0-18.0
% SL); the body and fins are yellowish; dorsal profile
nearly straight; with a single median longitudinal
groove on head; occipital process very small and hidden
under skin; adipose dorsal fin with a straight margin
for entire length and inserted behind a considerable
distance from rayed dorsal fin; flat head (HD 53.0-57.1
% SL) and orbits widely set (IOW 27.0-31.3 % HL),
(Plamoottil, 2015).
Habitat: Inhabits the river stretch of Manimala
River at Paduthode where it occurs generally on sand
or sandy gravel bottom with occasional presence of
bed rock or black clays. The width and depth of this
area are 45.0-125.0 m and 0.3-6 m, respectively; bank
height is 4.0-5.0 m above general water level in summer
season; blanketed by moderate to dense riparian vegetation
with intermittent occurrence of low riparian vegetation
noticed at certain places. This species is unique
for it requires spotless and clear water and is intolerant
to the accumulation of organic wastes and other contaminants,
thus regular monitoring of the water quality is essential
for the protection and preservation of this rare species,
(Plamoottil, 2015).Aquarium
Care: Batasio are shy, rarely moving
freely once settled in the tank. To keep long term
a proper hillstream type setup must be provided with
rocks and ample hiding spaces should be given with
pristine and oxygen saturated waters. Since these
come from hillstreams, temperature should also be
on the lower side (Mishra, Abhisek 2024).
Diet: They can be difficult to feed at first
but gradually will take frozen or live food and can
be weaned on to take pellets (Mishra, Abhisek 2024).
Etymology: The genus name Batasio:
from the local (Bengali) name of the fish (batasio
or batashi). The
specific name flavus: Latin
word meaning ‘light yellow’ refers to
the colour of the body of the new fish.
Yellow Batasio
Currently known to occur only at Paduthode of Manimala
River, Kerala, India.
10.5cm (4¼ins)
Froese, R. and D. Pauly.
Editors. 2024. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic
publication., ( 02/2024 ).
Mishra, Abhisek pers comm, 2024.
Plamoottil, M., 2015. Batasio flavus, a new
catfish species (Siluriformes: Bagridae) from Kerala,
India. J. Res. Biol. 5(5):1799-1808.
flavus Holotype-India, Paduthode, Manimala River, Kerala
flavus Holotype-India, Paduthode, Manimala River, Kerala
flavus Dorsal head view-holotype-India, Paduthode, Manimala
River, Kerala
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