Abstract:Heteropneustes fuscus (Siluriformes:
Heteropneustidae), a new catfish species from Kerala,
India. Biodiversitas 22: 87-98. Heteropneustes
fuscus, a new catfish species, is described from
Kerala, India; it is a close congener of Heteropneustes
fossilis (Bloch, 1794) described from Tranquebar
in Tamil Nadu. Heteropneustes fuscus has
been misidentified as H. fossilis until now,
but it differs from Bloch's species in colour and
many other rigid taxonomic variables. The new species
can be distinguished from its relative species in
the following combination of characters: deep black
body and fins, 4-5 branched dorsal-fin soft rays,
72-75 anal fin rays, 58-60 total vertebrae, 26-32
total gill rakers; deeper and wider body; deeper caudal
peduncle; greater pre occipital and post occipital
distances and longer anal fin. The new fish is edible
and found in freshwater rivers, streams, ponds and
paddy fields in Kerala. It is also cultivated in some
artificial impoundments. Heteropneustes fuscus
is compared with its congeners, scientifically named
and taxonomically described, (Plamoottil,
2021). Reproduction:
Breeds in confined waters during the monsoon months,
but can breed in ponds, derelict ponds and ditches
when sufficient rain-water accumulates. Oviparous,
distinct pairing possibly like other members of the
same family. Aquarium Care: Apart
from giving it the utmost respect when handling, it
does very well in a larger aquarium, and you can either
keep it alone with other inhabitants that are too
big for its mouth (large Barbs, Cichlids etc.) or
in a group situation if you would like the challenge
of breeding them. A sand substrate is best with hiding
places of rock and cave work and making sure that
it has plenty of swimming space, as they do like to
cruise the tank during the night time hours. Keep
your regular water changes up with good filtration
as they are a greedy species, and can make a mess
of your aquarium if good husbandry is not adhered
to. Diet:
Omnivorous. Etymology: The specific
name fuscus: Taken from Latin (fuscus meaning-dark);
it refers to the black coloured body and fins of the
new species. Update2021: The
genus Heteropneustes has now been
removed from the Clariidae family
and reinstated to the Heteropneustidae
Hora, 1936 and
H. microps has been deemed to be a synonym
of H. fossilis.
Travancore Black Stinging Catfish
Peninsular India: Kerala.
23.0cm. (9ins)
Plamoottil, Mathews
2021 Heteropneustes
fuscus (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae), a new catfish
species from Kerala, India. Biodiversitas Volume 23,
Number 1, January 2022, Pages: 87-98.
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