The specific name honours
the Yanesha, or Amuesha, indigenous community, who occupy
territories along the species' distribution. Yanesha literally
translates to “we, the people” and the community
is known for its strength, resilience and resilience in
the face of various challenges throughout Peru’s
history (Ancistrus yanesha).
From Gambia,
for fellow zoologist and friend of the author William
Yarrell (1784-1856) (Bagarius yarrelli).
Named after the Yudjá
(also known as Juruna), a group of indigenous people from
Volta Grande do Xingu. In the Tupi language, Yudjá
means “the river owners”. This ethnic group
has an intimate relationship with the Xingu, being pioneers
in navigation on the turbulent, rocky-bottomed waters
of this river. Hypancistrus yudja is restricted to the
Yudjá territory and was a source of income for
the indigenous ornamental fishermen who dove below 15
m to catch specimens for the aquarium trade. Both the
Yudjá people and H. yudja are struggling to survive
the environmental impacts of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric
Complex on Volta Grande do Xingu, and their fate is connected
and deeply threatened, (Hypancistrus yudja).
–ensis, suffix
denoting place: western Yunnan Province, China, type locality
(Amblyceps yunnanensis).
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